
Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday 2017

Crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:17-22)

16th Century Mural painting from Modovita Monastery  located in Bucovina (Northern Romania) Photo ID 13744797 © Paul George Bodea |
"They then took charge of Jesus and carrying his own cross he went out of the city to the place of the skull or, as it was called in Hebrew, Golgotha where they crucified him with two others, one on either side with Jesus in the middle.  Pilate wrote out a notice and had it fixed to the cross; it ran: 'Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews', This notice was read by many of the Jews, because the place where Jesus was crucified was not far from the city, and the writing was in Hebrew, Latin and Greek.  So the Jewish chief priests said to Pilate, 'You should not write "King of the Jews", but "This man said: I am King of the Jews" ' Pilate answered, 'What I have written, I have written' "

Scripture from "The Jerusalem Bible"  © 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday & Company, Inc